Who was Mary? We know that she was the mother of Jesus, and that she is revered by billions of religious people around the globe and even across religions, from Roman Catholicism to Islam. But what does the Bible really say about her? In this article, we'll look at and carefully consider every Bible passage about Mary—a woman who had the privilege of giving birth to the Son of God. Continue »
Is it possible that in our admiration for the mother of Jesus, we exalt her to a place that we shouldn't? Could we lift her up so high that she actually supersedes Jesus' divine position in the universe? In this article, we’ll consider a church teaching that actually suggests that Mary is above Jesus. But can this view be supported by the Scriptures? Continue »
We’ve seen how certain teachings about the mother of Jesus simply don’t line up with the Scriptures. There are several questionable beliefs in this arena that the Word of God does not support. So the question might rightly be asked, why are these doctrines taught or rather on what basis are they upheld? Continue »
The church of Rome teaches that before Jesus ascended into heaven, Christ appointed Peter as His vicar—a divinely chosen substitute leader to serve in Jesus' place here on earth. Then, after Peter died, another successor is said to have taken his place. This process continued, year after year, without interruption, even until the present-day pope. Continue »
Mariology is the systematic study of the person of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her role in the plan of salvation within the teachings of the Catholic Church. In their elevation of Mary over the past centuries, four teachings about her, called the “four dogmas,” have arisen. Besides these four, there are other teachings held by the church, and one of these—that Mary is a co-mediator with Christ—is now being considered by church leaders as becoming dogma. Continue »
Over the centuries, people have claimed to have seen apparitions of Mary, the mother of Jesus. These supernatural appearances have been said to occur all over the world and are often named after the town where her appearing was seen. Sometimes they include revelations that are said to have come from Mary, messages spoken to the minds and hearts of a privileged few. Continue »
Bible Passages About Mary

Matthew 1:16

Matthew 1:18

Matthew 2:11

Mark 6:3

Luke 1:30

Luke 2:16